Besides Enjoying and Driving Our Cars,
We Also Do This for Charity
Charity For 2022

2022 Charity Committee: Standing -Dick Drew, Sam Nolan, Larry McCommon Kneeling – Jim Aldrich , Don Achin -Chairman
The Cool Cruisers of Southwest Florida have been supporting local children’s charities for 25 years. We have donated more than $200,000 while sharing our love of classic cars with the community. We display our cars at the Miromar Outlet Mall, Ave Maria, and local retirement communities including fund raisers such as church fairs and sock hops. We have had a partnership over the years with the Golden Gate Community Center to provide summer camp scholarships for their local community. Also, our donations to the Lorenzo Walker Technical School provide Automotive Technology scholarships for their students.
During the past 5 years we averaged approximately $7,500 annually in donations to organizations including Lorenzo Walker Technical School, Mike Davis Elementary School, Music for Minors, Bikes for Tykes, and Collier County Sheriff’s Outreach Program . We routinely achieve our annual goal of contributing funds raised from our car display events to these charities with the generous support of organizations in and around Collier and Lee County.
Also, donations are reviewed each year by the Charity Committee of the Board of Directors to determine any future needs within Collier and Lee counties.
If you would like to make a donation to our Charities you can send a check to:
Cruisers of Southwest Florida
Attention: Don Achin
P.O. Box 9290
Naples, Florida 34101-9290
Or pay online via PayPal.
Click here to pay online
Thank You Letters From Recipients
Letter from Collier County Sheriff